Expanse Webinar: Scientific Computing with Kubernetes
In this webinar we provide recipes for transitioning scientific workloads that currently run on traditional batch systems to Kubernetes systems.
In this webinar we provide recipes for transitioning scientific workloads that currently run on traditional batch systems to Kubernetes systems.
Fourth National Research Platform (4NRP) February 8-10, 2023 at UC San Diego Tom DeFanti, General Workshop Chair Frank Wuerthwein, Program Chair Susan Rathburn, Local Arrangements Program Committee: Maxine Brown (University of Illinois at Chicago) James Deaton (Great Plains Network) Marla Meehl (UCAR) Lauren Michael (Internet2) Subha Sivagnanam (SDSC) Draft Program: February 8-10, Read more…
Pacific Research Platform: Its Legacy and Promise – June 22, 2021 – Virtual Building on years of research in network engineering and data-intensive collaborative science, the Pacific Research Platform was born in 2015 with a grant from the National Science Foundation. It aimed to knit together major university research networks Read more…
The Third National Research Platform Workshop – September 24-25, 2019 Agenda Thank you for attending the Third National Resarch Platform Workshop in Minneapolis, Minn. Please see presentations from the Sept. 24-25 event below. Tuesday, September 24 Time Session | Location: All Tuesday sessions are in the Southern Pacific Room Read more…
The GRP Workshop highlights global science drivers and their requirements, high-performance data fabrics and distributed cyberinfrastructure, including advanced networks customized to support scientific workflows. This Workshop brings together researchers, scientists, engineers, and network managers from U.S. and international research platform initiatives, to share best practices and advance the state of the art.
This one-day workshop will convene researchers from a variety of disciplines who are leading these trends through their work in biology and medicine, public health and the social sciences, and other fields. In addition, IT service providers and security architects will describe new services and platforms being developed to provide secure research data management and computation capabilities at scale, while managing challenges of authentication, access control, and privacy protection.
Move That Data! was the first-ever Data Mover challenge on a global scale and the inaugural edition held in Singapore at Asia 2019 Supercomputing Conference. The challenge aimed to bring together experts from industry and academia, in a bid to test their software across servers located in various countries (USA, Singapore, Australia, Japan) that are connected by 100G international networks.
This one-day workshop will focus on the challenges shared between observational astronomy and modern microscopy workflows. Advances in instrumentation, computation and data management for both microscopy and astronomy suggest opportunities for the broader scientific community to learn from the challenges common to both fields.
For two years, the National Research Platform Workshop has brought together representatives from interested institutions to discuss implementation strategies for deployment of interoperable Science DMZs at a national, and potentially international, scale.
The National Science Foundation Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CIF21) considers an integrated, scalable, and sustainable cyberinfrastructure to be crucial for the advancement of new research practices and transformative advances across all fields of science and engineering.