Security Challenges and the Pacific Research Platform – Larry Smarr – 12-5-2019 – Presentation
Cybersecurity Engagement in a Research Environment Workshop
Rady School of Management, UC San Diego December 5, 2019
Cybersecurity Engagement in a Research Environment Workshop
Rady School of Management, UC San Diego December 5, 2019
Keynote: Big Data & Extreme-Scale Computing2 (BDEC2)
San Diego, CA October 15, 2019
The Third National Research Platform Workshop Minneapolis, MN September 24, 2019
1st Global Research Platform Workshop Calit2s Qualcomm Institute UC San Diego September 17, 2019
This one-day workshop will convene researchers from a variety of disciplines who are leading these trends through their work in biology and medicine, public health and the social sciences, and other fields. In addition, IT service providers and security architects will describe new services and platforms being developed to provide secure research data management and computation capabilities at scale, while managing challenges of authentication, access control, and privacy protection.
Welcome Talk OSG/SDX Workshop Qualcomm Institute, UC San Diego June 5, 2019
This one-day workshop will focus on the challenges shared between observational astronomy and modern microscopy workflows. Advances in instrumentation, computation and data management for both microscopy and astronomy suggest opportunities for the broader scientific community to learn from the challenges common to both fields.
The goal of the The Big Data and Earth Sciences: Grand Challenges Workshop is to bring thought leaders in Big Data and Earth Sciences together for a three day, intensive workshop to discuss what is needed to advance our understanding and predictability of the Earth systems and to highlight key Read more…
For the last three years, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has made a series of competitive grants to over 100 U.S. universities to aggressively upgrade their campus network capacity for greatly enhanced science data access. NSF is now building on that distributed investment by funding a $5 million, five-year award Read more…
Wednesday 10/14/2015 Thursday 10/15/2015 Friday 10/16/2015