From coffee cart to educational computing platform
January 20, 2022 San Diego CA:
January 20, 2022 San Diego CA:
No one predicted the dramatic and sudden shift in the world of work that happened in March of 2020 when COVID shut down offices and the U.S. experienced the mass exodus to a Work-from-Home economy. For many, that shift was a reckoning with inadequate internet capacity for work, school, health care, and entertainment needs and desires.
At SC21 last week, Smarr delivered a racing reprise of this (ongoing) HPC tour de force in his talk, The Rise of Supernetwork Data Intensive Computing. Presented here are a sampling of his comments (lightly edited) and quite a few of his slides.
Building on years of research in network engineering and data-intensive collaborative science, the Pacific Research Platform was born in 2015 with a grant from the National Science Foundation.