Frank Wuerthwein - PI

Frank Wuerthwein - PI

Executive Director of Open Science Grid - Director of SDSC

Tajana Rosing - Co-PI

Tajana Rosing - Co-PI

Professor - ECE, UCSD

Tom DeFanti - Co-PI

Tom DeFanti - Co-PI

Research Scientist - Calit2 / Qualcomm Institute - UCSD

Mahidhar Tatineni - Co-PI

Mahidhar Tatineni - Co-PI

User Support Group Lead - SDSC

Derek  Weitzel - Co-PI

Derek Weitzel - Co-PI

Research Assistant Professor Computer Science & Engineering - U of NE–Lincoln

Ilkay Altintas

Ilkay Altintas

Chief Data Science Officer - SDSC

Larry Smarr

Larry Smarr

PI of PRP - Distinguished Professor Emeritus - CSE, UCSD

Qi (Rose) Yu

Qi (Rose) Yu

Assistant Professor - CSE, UCSD

John Graham

John Graham

Senior Development Engineer - Calit2 / Qualcomm Institute - UCSD

Dmitry Mishin

Dmitry Mishin

Applications Developer - Calit2 / Qualcomm Institute - UCSD

Tom Hutton

Tom Hutton

Chief Network Architect - San Diego Supercomputer Center - UCSD

Huijun Zhu

Huijun Zhu

System Administrator - Holland Computing Center UNL

Igor Sfiligoi

Igor Sfiligoi

Lead Scientific Software Developer and Researcher - San Diego Supercomputer Center - UCSD

John Paden

John Paden

Post-Doctoral Scholar - Arthur C Clarke Center

Charles Erwin

Charles Erwin

Research Project Manager - SDSC